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Five of my Plankton Etchings will be on display at the Exhibition. Plymouth’s coastline is full of amazing creatures – many of which are smaller than a pin-head and almost invisible to the eye. The Forms Most Beautiful Exhibition at Plymouth Museum will help you discover them in all their beauty and find out more about the people who have studied and collected them since the 1800s.
Exhibition from: Saturday 21 January – Saturday 21 April 2012
See large-scale images of microscopic marine life as well as specimens from our natural history collections, in this new exhibition developed by the Collections Team at Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery, in partnership with Plymouth University.
Many of the city’s marine science organisations will also be involved, including:-
- Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory
- The Marine Biological Association
- National Marine Aquarium
More details can be found on the Plymouth Museum website
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